

"And I just find myself sitting here, listening to you sing our song, listening to the vibrations going off the walls. And I know, I know that I love you and that I should've trusted you. And sometimes we don't get that, we don't get happily ever after, we don't get happy. I know I should be long over you by now and I should be forgetting how your touch feels against my hips, but I can't and I won't. You'd sing Yellow, your guitar propped up on your knees, while I was wrapped in sheets just listening to the rasp of your voice singing me away. And those days, the days when you were mine, don't feel so close anymore. I don't get to run and wrap my legs around your waist when you come home. I don't get you anymore. We don't love anymore. And now I know how painful it is to just cry myself to sleep every night, just wishing I hadn't of done stupid things with stupider consequences. I know now that you were my everything, you were mine. Now your hers, or better yet you're the whole worlds property now. Now I can truly see how painful it is to not have you. And now I find myself wishing you were mine and we were fighting, because fighting with you is better than not knowing you at all. I know that now."