
I Long for You; a Caleo fanfic.

A/N: This is set after the war with the giants and Gaea, in which we assume our heroes won.

On his trip, he had an astrolabe, a metal dragon’s head, and a banana for company.

Leo Valdez sat on the deck of his newly built yacht, watching the waves. It wasn’t really big; just small enough for two people. He didn’t mean to build one that could accommodate 30 people. That would a) take long to build, b) it would be completely unnecessary (though he was sure when he came back after his trip, his camp mates would probably party all night in it) and c) it would be less intimate. He wanted to meet this girl again, know her even more. Maybe even share his own stories.

He nibbled on his banana. Before his trip, Piper produced food from her cornucopia, and placed it in the yacht’s kitchen. She patted him when Leo complained she gave too many proportions. “I know you, Leo. You could gobble this much just in a day. And stop whining. You’re just excited to see Calypso again.”

He turned red at the thought.

Ah, Calypso. He missed her. He longed for her. He missed the whiff of cinnamon while she worked beside him on his workbench that he built. He missed the swing of her long hair, intricately braided behind her back. He missed her lovely singing that could repair even his own handmade creations. He missed the crinkle of her nose when she laughed. And he definitely wanted another kiss.

He was too giddy, too happy to see her again, that he didn’t finish his banana.

“Sorry, bud. I lost my appetite.”

Curse you, Calypso! the banana seemed to say.

Leo stood up and dusted his rear. He swallowed what he was chewing, and headed to the control room. He didn’t bring anyone with him, except Festus, his metal dragon. Well, what's left of him anyway. His ruby red eyes stared back at him, and Leo could feel the gears wounding and the disk that was Festus' brain. He patted him, and looked him in the eyes. "I'm letting you meet Calypso. She's amazing, Festus. I've never seen a girl who's ready to get gritty and dirty. Except of course for my siblings. But I know she's different. She makes me go haywire."

Festus snorted out smoke. He flashed the radar on the monitor, and a view of the sea in the 60 miles radius. No boats. No monsters who always want to eat a demigod's head. No annoying enemies you still need to fend off.

Leo glanced at the astrolabe that guided the ship. Its goldenness gleamed bright against the sun rays, and the rims and the hands enchanted him whenever he looked at it. The crystal from Calypso's cave filled in the gap in the middle. He used it on the night he left for Ogygia, the instrument leading him to the island. As a son of Hephaestus, Leo was easily amazed by how it works. He was thankful that he found it among the stolen treasures of those two idiotic-looking dwarfs.

He imagined what would happen when he'd arrive. Would he sweep Calypso off her feet? Would he kiss her first? Or maybe a joke? He shook his head, not getting ahead of himself. He first needs to find that island. He'd just be disappointed if the astrolabe doesn't lead him to her.

He left the control room and headed to the deck to watch the waves again. He leaned on the rail and squeezed his eyes for any sight of an island. His head swarmed with anticipation. Where is it? Where's Ogygia? he thought.

He was fidgeting. His fingers were twitching. He needed to work while waiting.

He produced a screwdriver, some nuts and bolts, and some wires from his toolbelt. Beside the control room's door was a box full of scraps, from wood planks to used up phones. He grabbed a handful of them and started working on a trinket box. Surely, Calypso would love it. Using a tiny saw he produced from his magic tool belt, he sawed the planks to a size as big as a lunch box. Before he knew it, he created a box. Inside, he worked on putting the compartments. The lid had a mirror. The front facade had tiny drawers. The last thing he needed next was miniature Leo and miniature Calypso. Out of a block of wood, Leo carved. He almost carved his head on Calypso's body, though. A result of over excitement: not thinking straight.

Before attaching the miniatures, he worked on the mechanisms for the music that'll play when the lid was lifted. He chose different music rather than the typical classic one. He decided on Arms by Christina Perri. It somehow reflected his love for Calypso. He made sure to include the feature where you can stop the song by pushing down the miniatures. He wouldn't want it to annoy Calypso.

He marveled at his work. Along the way, he painted the box white, to match Calypso's greek dress. He carved a golden C + L on the corner of the lid. He then wrapped the box in pretty wrapping paper he found in one of the yacht's cabinets. He topped it off with a red ribbon.

What now? he thought. He then stared at the spool of red ribbon.

No one's around anyway...

He cut enough length and tied it around his head like a headband. He was curious how ribbons worked for girls. He brandished a mirror from his tool belt and looked at his reflection. His curls sprang everywhere, and the ribbon was tilted a little to the side. Not bad, he thought.

Suddenly, a rainbow shimmered by his side. The image of his friends flickered to view.

"Leo! How are— WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Leo was caught off guard from Piper's voice from the Iris message. He dropped the mirror, kerplunking in the ocean.

"Holy Hephaestus! Don't scare me that way!" he said, taking off the ribbon from his hair.

"What were you doing? Are you secretly gay?" Piper said.

"What? No! I was just—"

"Spare me your excuse. All I need to know is you're not gay."

"I'm not!" Leo said, waving his hand. "If I'm gay, why am I after a girl?"

"Alright. We'll never unsee that. How's your trip so far? It's been 2 days since you hit the ocean!" In the background, Leo could see Frank and Hazel laughing about his little ribbon incident.

"I'm fine. The astrolabe's guiding Festus to Ogygia, and I'm praying to the gods that I'll see the island and Calypso soon."

Percy, who was holding Annabeth's hand, came to view, gritty with mud. Maybe he came straight from a camp activity. He was still panting. "Leo! My man! Doing alright with the sea? Kinda asked helped from dad to keep you safe in the sea."

He smiled at how close Percy and Annabeth were. He admired their relationship, how much they've endured through Olympus and Tartarus. Literally. After their quest through the god of the pit, their scars seemed to heal, and their love even stronger. He saluted Percy.

"Thanks, Perc! Really needed that. At least I don't get seasick like Hazel."

Hazel stopped smiling. She gave him a mad look, her eyes speaking "If only I could punch you right now." Frank lost his smile too.

"Hope you find her, Leo," to this, he leaned closer, and whispered to the Iris message, "and please convince her how truly sorry I am for that time I landed on her island."

At the mention of this, Leo's feelings resurfaced. He remembered how sad and furious Calypso was about Percy, and how he left her all alone. He felt what she felt, and at some point he wanted to make Percy suffer. He wanted him to feel how bad it was to be isolated from the world. But Percy was his friend. He unfurled his fist, which was white from its clench.

Leo hid his true feelings by looking at his lap, and nodded. He might spurt out some nasty words.

It was Jason's turn to talk. In the corner of the Iris message, he could see Piper's nose and her left eye, trying to see him while she was holding what was probably a hose by the Big House.

"Hey, Valdez. Just wishing you a goodluck. Stay safe. Say hi to Calypso for me." Typical Jason and his stiff voice. When will he understand the concept of fun? That everything isn't a battleground?

Before Piper ended the message, she said, "Oh and don't forget to Iris message us on your way back! We'll have you pass by drive thru somewhere... Okay, bye!"

With a whimsical poof, the image dissolved. Leo looked back at his gift, and smiled. Calypso, oh Calypso, he thought. I fulfilled my promise.

The alarms blared, and Leo ran to Festus. He set the gift on the dashboard, and stared at the radar. A dot appeared, and the glaring eyes of Festus told Leo what it was. It was Ogygia.

He smiled so wildly his cheeks hurt. He somehow kissed the astrolabe and his metal dragon, and wiped his lips on his shirtsleeve. They were rusty, alright. "Calypso, here I come!"

The boat neared the familiar island, its beautiful landscape boasting like a fresh sea pearl. The white beaches played along with the waves, and the trees swayed like it was doing the Congo. The mountain in the middle seemed to say "Welcome back, Leo!" A small speck of Calypso's dining table stood on the sand. He remembered when he crashed onto it, and how he made Calypso so mad. But in the end, they were attracted to each other. Besides, Leo puts a new name to scrawny. He's scrawny-hot.

At last, the boat reached the lip of the island. He dropped an anchor, and climbed down to the knee-high waves. He waddled through, and when his feet met the sand, he broke into a run.

He wound up through the path he remembered led to Calypso's residence. He shouted her name over and over. He met the fountain, gurgling with lavish water, which he secretly fixed back when he was on the island. This sparked something between him and Calypso. He caught a sight of her famous and beloved garden, filled with flowers and vegetables. He noticed that the soil was scattered, as if someone shook the spot's ground.

For some odd reason, he did not see any of Calypso's servants, even Calypso herself. It was a paradise with not a single soul. He peered through the mouth of Calypso's cave, and saw the usual flicker of lights and the soft white beds fixed and made. Where could she be?

In the distance, he could hear cries. Murmurs. He followed its trace, and was led to a clearing where a dozen of satyrs crowded around something. The crunch of his boots was loud enough to catch the attention of several of them, and they gave him the eyes of mourn. Leo slowly shook his head as he neared the crowd's subject.

"What is happening? Wha— No. No, no. This. Can't. Be."

Because in the middle of the ring lay the lifeless body of Calypso, her hair stuck to her face and her white greek dress sprawled like the sun's rays. She looked fast asleep, but Leo could sense an absent heartbeat.

The Earth roared, with Gaea chuckling in the distance. "We were defeated, young one, and it will take eons for us to get back up. But as for now, the only revenge we can take upon is simple— We hurt the ones you love. Each and everyone the heroes of Olympus love."

To this, Leo fell to his knees beside Calypso's body on the pristine sand. He wept, while the anger inside of him boiled.

Leo vowed eternal revenge.

A/N: What a cute fanfic, huh? Yes, I know. You loved it.

Nah. I hate it too. One-half of Caleo dying? No. Just no.

But this is really what I intend, okay? This plot. But if you wish for the alternative ending (To those brats who are complaining for something else), go after this note. I love you more than how Percy loves all things blue.

PS- Tweet me.
