Kaelyn Jane


"I have these tired old analogies for the same tired old feelings. I repeat myself because I really mean it I guess. I’m tired, so so tired and-"

I looked around the room and only heard myself in everything she had to say, I only saw how it related to me and fueled my notion. I remembered feeling that way, so I wanted her to know that. But looking back, I did a lot of that sort of thing- pushed myself in other people. But it’s either I try to relate and share advice, or be there and listen. I never know what someone needs, it’s always one or the other and I’m usually never right with the one I go with.

"I know exactly what you mean but you can’t look at it that way."

This is exactly what I meant by tired. Exhibit fucking a. I’m tired of explaining myself to people who are sharing time with me because they’re infatuated. You want to know me, and when I try to explain the only aspect of myself that I think is worthy of being understood, people say things like this. You can’t look at it that way? Well, why not? What if you burnt your hand on a hot pan, that fucking hurt- hey but you can’t look at it that way.

I wish I would of said all of this, I didn’t think about it really. And if I would have I wouldn’t of actually said it. I have this twisted logic, and I give out weird chances without people realizing it. Hoping that the universe would come back around and bestow its magic karma dust on me for trying not to pass judgement. In some way you’re right, but so very wrong. I can look at it that way, and so can you- and so have you if you say you know exactly what I mean. But I understand, what you mean by almost understanding. I think I- ah, what the hell.

"Yeah, I know."