Andrés Garcia


As I observe the myriad of social movements and protests springing up around the world, I think of the many fallacies that we are living under in modern society. The corrupt system seems to be crumbling but if history is to repeat itself, we may see just another repressive system put in place.

I realize that the most important change we can effect is the one we can enact within ourselves and pass on to loved ones, family, friends and immediate community. Changing and questioning doctrines imposed since birth, so-called traditions have to be questioned consistently to adapt more to this changing world we live in. Movements can be started in communities to go back to more local economies and stop our dependence on large corporations and governments that have become too big for their own good. I understand the need to see the big picture, yet I wonder if we can focus more on the microcosm, we could see better results than we have seen with the macrocosmic view we find ourselves in, where everything trickles down from the top.

Andres G.