Jonathan Wedge

After The Rain

The sky is gray when I get up in the morning

I hear the "pity pit-pit" of rain that's pouring.

But by the time I dress the rain is stopping.

After breakfast I pull on boots and go walking.

I slosh in wet grass

And in puddles I splash.

While up in the sky once gray

Rain clouds are parting and drifting away.

Where they are gaping sunbeams are shining.

I stand and watching and wondering,

Where are they going?

Are there trees on far off hills they are watering?

Then walking some more I find the once dry ditch

That now is brimming,

And passing I hear a bullfrog gur-UP-gur-UP-ing

and I think he is saying,

"Hurrah! Hurray! There was rain today!"

Then someone sings a short trill

And on a tree branch way up high

A red-winged blackbird I spy.

Is he laughing, I wonder,

Did someone tell him a joke?

And who is this nearby?

A sparrow tweeting a reply!

Is she laughing too?

Or, happy for rain, telling God, "thank you"?

And what else am I seeing

Splashing, racing, fresh rivulet tasting

On this rain washed roadway?

It's five waddling goslings at play!

When finally I walk back up to my door

I say, "Thank you Jesus!" For all I've seen.

For Spring leaves turned a brighter shade of green,

For sweeter smelling air, and a world washed clean.