Erika Koenig

This library book belongs to:

Rhea Phoenix

For some time now I was withheld from returning to you. The 4th dimension: Time, had business dealings with me. Thankfully I have come back to your world where mortal humans dwell half blind. I am on Chronos time again, it is comical how everything here is measured in nano seconds. My preference is Kairos time of course since it is my natural rhythm.

Let me give you a view of my first day back. I arrive before the alarm goes on the South Fraser Shores to the measured cooing of doves and the deep sighs of cargo trucks waiting down in front of the gates where Paramount fish processing plant detains them to load up a small amount of the 'red flesh' this year along with other species.

They will be shipped east and south to market places and grocery outlets where people will buy them quickly. Currently the fish farms are creating rough shod salmon which are distorted and perverted in size one can hardly recognize them for who they are. In an attempt to win a niche in the economy, fish farms have been stubbornly holding on to their place with the governments blessing.

I've been asked to accompany The Miracle Man in outings and activities to help direct him through a new chapter of his life. In the big city of Vancouver a stream of constant movement of people, cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, shopping carts, and an assortment of industrial equipment surround him. The Miracle Man heads north counting his scripts, quietly mumbling words under his breath with a large smile on his handsome face.

This very same day I am asked to to be a docent for a man devoted to Allah whose name is after the Great prophet. The man had a momentary lapse in memory he was under a spell, it had to be broken so he could remember the meaning of his name and return to Allah to continue on the path that his parents chose for him. As recently as last year he arrived at his destination determined to live a peaceful life, he saw his homeland attacked by F16 fighter jets, and he and his family had gone without food, water and shelter as a child. Peace continues to be his destiny.

My assignments are varied and come without prior notice to try my will, coax my wisdom and test the timing of happenings well within the perimeter of the Invisible. Do you remember the meaning of the word Kairos? It is the Greek word for the personification of opportunity or to explain another way. It is when something extraordinary, miraculous or mysterious occurs. It is not from my hand, I am a witness, observer and listener, asked to help mortal humans to get by to transformational hope and if they desire well beyond, that first level in the evolution of their character ...


Rhea Phoenix