Matthew Eyles

When Was It You Left Me?

When was it

You left me,

In the dead of


Did I say some ill,

That took you to be so still,

When that morning came

and I could never see you


When was it

you left me?

Did you leave before?

Had you given up?

All those fights we had,

All those blows; struck.

The bruise on your face?

My blood stained lips?

The tears and fears

and those nights

we made up with a loving kiss?

When was it

you left me,

In the dead of


Had it been the sweet embrace?

That last moment of warmth?

Should I have not let you go

to rest

and left your soul to blow,

To grow and breathe,

In the forever winds?

Should I have clung to your body,

Your heart, your sins,

And prayed in sleep

That here is where you belong,

Between these sheets,

My heart,

My song.

My soul,

My love,

To whom I adore.

Why would you leave me

So cold and alone?

Why would you wait

for that moment

to hurt me most ?

Why do you spite me?

Why make me hollow?

A shell, old and worn.

A spectre.

A ghost!

A man no longer,

With each breath I drown.

With each heart thud

I die a little more.

With each morning sun,

I take as ill omen,

With each setting sun,

evermore! I wish to pass on over.

To see your face.

To kiss your lips,

To beg forgiveness,

Whatever it is!

When was it

you left me?

So cold,

So alone.

What was it

and why?

What had I done

that was so wrong?

How had I betrayed you,

Why did you decide to leave?

Why give up on me,

When I was not ready to receive?

Am I so selfish,

In my undying wish?

For us to live together,

In happiness and bliss!

Am I just the old fool,

You were so sick of still?

Was it my cold, unforgiving,


That killed you

as you slept?

Was it me all along?

Dragging you down this road?

Am I the reason

you'd rather accept death?

I just wish you could answer,

That you could open your eyes,

So I could see your love,

Your life,

For one last time.

But alas I lie here,

Cold and alone,

In the bed you died in,

As you lay frozen, under


And here I lie,

Trapped in my torturous world.

My heart still beating

and my soul dead; furrowed.

Cold and harboured,

I lay in the bed.

I wait for deaths kiss,

So I can soon see you yet.

