Erika Koenig

I've made plans

In the silent rigorous movements of text messaging I send you images of cats and birds as if reaching to you with my hand through the keypad of this device to feel you

AI talks one word to me as slim as the silence of sons that are quietly walking to the beat of their beautiful drums—yes mothers and sisters please listen

I was waiting for you to return home to me just like we used to all come back to have tea and cookies before supper in between catching a rest to listen to our hearts beat

My son you walk safely now through an invisible door knowing the pattern of your steps well you beholden to yourself where you dream blue glass into a turquoise distance

I trust in the invisible chords that cannot be broken between as like every mother longing to see her children the sweetness dances to a sad ballad

Will you come to dine with me tonight I asked No you've made plans you said without giving me any lead time I stand on my doorstep as if on the edge of a precipice

I cannot see my sons yet my heart tells me they are near spending time with friends and pursuits I know nothing of

I wish to see your lovely face once more as you know I am deeply in love with you