Andrés Garcia


Much like any other human that has ever lived, I don’t have a definitive answer to what happens after our last breath. Maybe an answer will elude us until the very end of our existence in this universe. Where we go, if we go anywhere at all, is the deepest mystery of them all. Introspection on death has caused suffering and existential angst. It has served as fuel for innovation on every aspect of human life. An everlasting quest to never forget and never be forgotten. Medicine prolongs our life, technology improves our life, philosophy tries to explain it and religion tries to justify it.

The relentless wave of existence washes over us daily, distractions, such as modern day consumerism, often serve a role in bandaging these feelings yet the itch that is embedded in our soul cannot be scratched so superficially. In the words of a great writer and journalist, Johann Hari;

“...Its not so much the consumer behavior itself, its what the consumer behavior diverts you from; we all know at some level none of us are going to lie on our deathbed and think about all the shoes we bought, we are gonna think about moments of love and meaning and connection in our lives...”

By: Andres Garcia