Andrés Garcia

Made up song

I’m singing a song

dancing lyrics stuck deep inside my brain

not one tune makes sense

music has never been my specialty,

it’s all made up as I go

a strumming guitar

a deep bass

a rocking drum

following a melody,

and I just sing along

for all I care you can sing this to your own tune

make it happy or sad, drown in grief

but at least sing along

just don’t say goodbye

I don’t want to find that you’ve been gone

If a giant swell could come through and wipe it all clean,

a swell for the wicked and the damned,

a swell that would dig up the bodies of the vicious

make them pay for what they created,

for those that came up with this life

within these towering structures

made up of concrete and bones

and intricate systems to create replicas,

gargoyle statues with hearts of stone

another cog in a gear

a bee within the hive

a thoughtless creature

the likes science fiction never imagined

A hurricane so mighty

it would rip the roots out of the nature of our being

wipe our consciousness clean

so we could live in an eternal dream,

but such is not,

because after all

we are still swimming upstream

and I’m stuck singing a song that doesn’t make sense

drowning in fears,

and showing no signs of repent.