Andrés Garcia

No Lament

Putting it all into this intent

Smoky mist

In it I see my dissent

Only happens in my dreams

Where specters go

Where all things revolve

Round and round they go

On giant motion

One enormous blur

In that incantation

I splurge

Swim around

Paddle onward

Don’t blame me

I love to indulge

At times it feels I’m drowning

Gasping for air

Deeper I’m diving

For in those depths

Is something I don’t get

It is truly a mess

Everything is so unkempt

Yet into the profound I go

Surely I’ll get lost

Please don’t hold any resent

In my absence it seems all is down

Just wait a bit

There will be nothing to lament

To bring you out into this reality

It will be worth the maddening descent.