Angela Teague

Random Thoughts

-If a dream is a dream, then what is a wish? A wish is something we make, but don't expect will happen. I know I say at least a few times a day, "I wish" such and such. But what if all those wishes were real? Would I be guaranteed to actually be happy? We aren't meant to have everything we want.

-Time isn't an illusion. It's a factual thing. It exists, and it is. You can't alter it, capture it, or make it go slower or faster. (I think I've said this one before.)

-A creation of your mind will always have value, both to you, (for what you've made) and to others, (for what you inspire in them.)

-This is something I've always said: Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left. (Not sure if anyone else has said it.) It's true. Stand in any direction, and turn right three times. You're now on the left. Lolz.

-Faith can move mountains. (Enough said. Not my quote, but a true one.)

-Your heart has the possibility of being broken. Just make sure you don't break your own, by disrespecting yourself. If you've made mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and don't make them anymore. You can heal, and also forgive yourself. It's never too late.

-Don't hurt yourself. Don't give in to provocation, or bullying. Take away their power, by remaining strong constantly. #NoMoreBullying

-Believe in yourself, and find new reasons to smile everyday. 😊

-Don't hold grudges. And don't get mad at small things. (Need to work on that myself.)

-Patience can be learned. And love can be felt, even after a heart has been broken. Healing starts within, both inside your mind, and through your emotions. Don't let sadness prevent you from trying to find love again.

-Warmth can be found inside the coldest of people. Sometimes when they are hurting, they escape their pain by being mean to others. Everyone needs a friend. I often wonder of the motivations of bullies. Why they are making fun of others. What goes on in their home? What examples have they been shown? How do they think? Not sure, I just wonder.


~Thanks for reading.~