Rian Smith

I Want To's

"i want to..."

echoes through my head at 4am

said with such hope, such potential.

"i want to..."

said as if i were trying to stop you

in life not all situations are ideal

and in these situations the truth is revealed

"is it worth it?"

echoes through my head as i contemplate

every scenario, every obstacle, every outcome

as if this is a 6th grade science experiment

starting with a question

mapping out the variables

testing this whole "us" thing out

analyzing the data

only to come to the conclusion that

my prediction was correct

that this is meant to be

and there's no need to continue test

we are a scientific law, not a theory

this will always work out so, forget being weary

you will say "i want to...."

but think about it...

what's really stopping you?