Rian Smith

Memories Of Right Now (2/3 Notes To My Current Self)

you have finally made it to 18

and nothing feels different,

nothing like a dream

you are on your way to bigger and better things

watching everyone you know scream

[insert college name] class of 2019

prom came and passed

graduation is over and done with

give it a few more months

and you'll be starting college

time is ticking

moments come and go too soon,

because in a moment they'll all be gone

and all the friends you've known for so long

will begin to fade to gray

but don't fret, take your life day by day

remember to have fun

remember to go outside and bask in the sun

don't let yourself become too stressed

it's okay to take a break and watch some Netflix

but remember to turn it off and study for that test

and when your mom sends you a message,

reply to that text

remember to take care of yourself first

drink lots of water, give into the thirst

moisturize daily, you'll thank me in your eighties

this moment right now

is made of the memories

you'll tell your kids about

so listen closely, have fun and be safe

do everything you want before it's too late

because the moments from here on out

are what the best stories are all about