Rian Smith

Intergalactic Infatuation

you contain the sun within you.

you radiate the heat that keeps me alive.

your smile shines like the stars

your eyes hold more secrets than the galaxy

you're beauty is universal

not limited to just this world

aliens are trying to get sightings of you

you are a beautiful mystery

an alien to the average faces i've seen

and i'm just waiting for you to phone home,

my gorgeous E.T.

you deserve to travel through space

your looks give earth a good name

your mind would make people insane

you are not of the average

you sit upon a throne

and you're worthy that advantage

because you deserve it

and your beauty; museums will preserve it

never have i ever came across one like you

and i don't believe i will ever again

god took his time with you

he made you his Picasso

and we are just rough drafts

you are a masterpiece

your eyes the darkest shade of brown

the melanin in your skin is to envy

your hairs lay so perfectly upon your head

you're amazingly beautiful

and you should be told that daily