Jada Bonner

They Say

What's this they say

About how to tell if she's worth it

Cause they say it won't be easy

Got my back against the ropes, if,

She's really makin an impression on my heart

I won't be able to find words to say

I've been crazy about you from the start

What's this they say about beautiful souls being complicated

And how it's hard to catch one but when you do it will be captivating

And when you love it, it will leave you breathless

Because you get to feel the love that they've made out of depression

You can see the smiles instead of all the tears

You can see they've made themselves into something with no fear.

And if you're lucky and they're broken when they confide in you

They'll trust you enough to fix them and you'll see happiness defined in them

There's a window with unconditional love

They say you'll look out of it and see her if you're beginning to fall in love

Love her without conditions

No mirrors and no ceilings

What's this they say

About how to tell if she's worth it

Cause they say it won't be easy

Got my back against the ropes and,

Ready to walk away

But things just wouldn't be the same

She's tryna teach you to hold on

And teach you to keep the good things.