Jada Bonner

Mirror on the Wall

I was talking to the mirror on the wall and she cried,

She says I don't show her enough love and I pushed her heart aside,

She's giving me all these reasons for the poetry that she's bleeding

And I don't know how to treat it,

my mind avoids what she's preaching

Mirror mirror on the wall

Tell me what the hell you deserve then?

You know I do my best and I don't fuck shit up on purpose

You got me feeling too deep

When my hearts in control,

You know I can't trust anybody

I don't believe a single soul,

But you make me crave love

And make me feel like I can't live without it,

But reality speaks different

You try to speak louder then my thoughts are drowning,

And I found that if I ignore it, I'm all good,

People don't fuck with these deep emotions anyway so it's all good.

Do you hear me preaching?

I'm screaming at you like I want you to leave

But let truth be told,

And you'll hear I'm pretty happy you're me

I just feel misunderstood and I blame you for it,

I keep going and going

I must be running from something,

My biggest fear is these emotions I have inside of me,

I have tears in my eyes to symbolize how hard it is to see

Clarity is my one wish of 3,

The other two are sanity and less urges to leave,

I'm talking to the mirror and she just wants me to be happy with her,

She hates when I don't call her beautiful and She hates when I don't smile,

She said she writes for other people but hasn't written for me in a while.