Jada Bonner


Maybe I can sleep a little longer

So I can dream a little more about you,

I hope the corniness in these lines can get a smile out of you.

I know I barely know you

So I don't know how it was,

But even through the thick

I see you as a dove.

Your pretty brown eyes are in my tunnel vision,

The way you shot me down

I'd think you shoot for a living.

You take everything you're given with charismatic class and grace,

If you steal a part of my heart

No one could take your place.

There's probably a million ways to say I admire your presence,

Of those million ways I think I'm at 27.

But time will speak my truth

While in my mind we rock steady,

I'm talking to you from a distance but I'd like to progress if you'll let me.

You're definitely the prettiest girl I've ever seen,

So if you add your personality and giggles you're definitely a queen.

I'm not gassin' you up or tryna give you a big head,

I just think you're fuckin' gorgeous and it deserves to be said.