Our Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you on this day of Thanksgiving, to offer thanks for your love that would send your only begotten son, to a wretched earth. That He would come to live among men, die on the cross of a criminal, and rise again so that one day all who believe in you, and confess their sins, will live forever in your presence.
Father God, we thank you for all the blessings you have given us and we pray a special blessing on those who are less fortunate. That not only you may bless them, but also you will reveal the needs, which are many, and move the hearts of we who are more fortunate to reach out and bless them.
We also are thankful to live in a country that even with all of its problems is still free. Today we ask a special prayer of blessing on our leaders that you alone will guide their thoughts and move Your hand of conviction on those who would mean this country harm.
As individuals and as a nation we are thankful and ask Your blessings on those men and women who stand in harm’s way to protect this nation. A soldiers heart has to come from you, and is a constant reminder of the selfless way Your Son stood in the gap for all of us and we are thankful for both today.
Than You God for our families, that blesses us every day whether they realize it or not. Moreover, for the children who look to us for their every need, and remind us that we are all your children and your creation, and all you ask in return is that we worship you.
Finally, God we ask for your forgiveness for our every failure, and thank You for Your love and compassion on our sinful nature. Just as those early settlers paused to say thanks, we too say thanks today for Your every blessing and unending love. In the wonderful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!