Constantine Tsutras, ORDM.


In the ancient Greek Olympics, when the Archer would miss the bulls-eye, the spectators would shout “hamartia!” There is more to this than just a sporting event comment.

mistake (v.)

"to misunderstand, misinterpret," from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse mistaka "take in error, miscarry.” Hamartia (Ancient Greek: ἁμαρτία) is a word most famously used in Poetics, where it is usually translated as a mistake or error in judgment … The word hamartia is rooted in the notion of missing the mark (hamartanein) and covers a broad spectrum that includes ignorant, mistaken, or accidental wrongdoing. The term is better understood more broadly as a description of the element (vice, virtue, misfortune, etc.) in a tragedy or tragic character that makes it tragic.

error (n.)

"a deviation from Truth made through ignorance or inadvertence, a mistake," also “transgression, wrong-doing, sin.” Also "a figurative going astray, mistake," from errare "to wander.” In Greek, “wandering” is “planetos. This is where we got the name for our Planets … the Wanderers.

And there you have it. Missing the Mark … wandering or transgressing from intended Truth. It is tragic because it’s effect is misfortunate for all involved in the wandering path of ignorant judgement.

We are not born “Sinners” as modern Christianity would have us to believe, we are born innocent and through trial and error we find the righteousness that was and is the universal intent. To do good by all mankind, for the benefit of all mankind.

We are to learn from our mistake/error and move forward never having to repeat that lesson again. This is Earth School. Welcome aboard.

~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.