Harlinn Draper

Weeping Willows

He perched upon the creaking porch of the weathered farmhouse, cradled by the cool caress of the night air, a familiar companion. The moon, cast a ghostly veil of sapphire over the cold Kentucky hills and rising mist from the creek beyond the weeping willows.

With a deliberate slowness, he inhaled profoundly from his unfiltered cigarette, observing as wisps of smoke swirling patterns in the air, only to vanish into the darkness. The ember burns away the tears that escape his eyes, cascading down the black strands of his hair, a chilling caress upon his chin.

He won’t compel her to unveil what his heart already knows, softly, the pain pierce’s the stillness.

In the moment of closed eyes, he conjured her image—her laughter that lit up the world, the gentle poetry of her touch. Their love, a fragile tree they had painstakingly planted, now frayed beyond existence, she weary of mending.

The ache of loneliness tore at his soul, a relentless torment that refused peace.

The night, a dagger of frost, plunged its icy blade deep into his heart, a cruel reminder of love's swift descent into memories.

Aware of the inevitable, he knew he must depart. The love that once bloomed between them had withered, leaving nothing but broken branches of nostalgia and shattered dreams. As rain began to weep like willows from the heavens, with a mournful cry, the wind whispered of endings.

Standing tall, he took a final gaze upon the once-hallowed abode, their shared love now a mausoleum of short lived happiness. The ache in his chest deterred him to wake her, to witness the anguish reflecting in her eyes, he beheld her in peaceful slumber, her sleep untouched.

Gently, he traced her cheek with a tender touch, etching her beauty into his mind and heart. Heavy with resignation, he turned and shuffled out.

Traveling the winding road ahead, the farmhouse receded into the distance, fading into the rearview mirror along with the shattered pieces of their unrealized life. Lingering in his wake was the ghostly whisper of a love slipped beyond the weeping willows.