Harold Stockburger

Do What Others Don't To Achieve What Others Won't.

Have you ever wondered why some individuals and businesses just seem to be more successful than others are? Have you ever for even a moment looked at someone’s success and said what do I have to do to be like that? Some might say that those who are more successful work harder and to some extent that is true. Others would use the old expression “work smarter and not harder” and there is a lot of truth in that statement. Reality is that it is a combination of both, combined with sheer determination and commitment to achieve what others may never achieve.

Ask anybody who has realized a level of success greater than the average person has and almost every time you will hear about being a servant to their customers. Great businesses consistently do one thing, and that is give great customer service. If you want to see the business grow, which will ultimately contribute to the success of each of us, we must always be the most helpful, and give the best customer service available anywhere.

Remember that every customer that walks through the door is another opportunity for you to be a top performer, which will get you noticed, and which will contribute to your company’s success and ultimately to yours. However, here is where the working harder part comes in, just because a customer may purchase nothing after you talk to them doesn’t mean you failed, many of the great salespeople in the world refer to every contact with a customer as planting seeds. If you show the customer that you truly want to be of help to them, when they are ready to buy, they will return and probably ask for you.

It has been said that; “many of life’s failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when they give up”. My challenge to you today, is to not give up, but make today the day that you are determined to be successful and be willing to put in the smarter, hard work necessary to achieve success. Are you willing to make the changes in your life to be successful and ultimately make the business successful? If so, I want to leave you with this thought; “Change may start with a belief, but it ends with an action…your action”.