Constantine Tsutras, ORDM.


Your Mind is like being in your house. You can only use what you already have. Over and over again you use the same stuff. In the same way, you can only think thoughts based upon what you’ve already experienced. You’re not creating the new, you’re re-creating the old.

“For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

~Paul, Romans 7:15

You brought all that stuff into your house long ago, and all you can do is keep rearranging it. It’s an accumulation of years worth of receiving stuff. Your Mind is a collection of years worth of receiving thoughts. You think about the possibilities of where to put the sofa, and regurgitate these possibilities over and over again. Even though, you may not ever move the sofa. Still, there’s nothing NEW. Just old stuff, with limited possibilities.

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so also a fool repeats his foolishness.”

~Proverbs 26:11

We must stop this foolishness. This endless cycle of repetition. We must choose to enter the present moment … the NOW. You go shopping for NEW stuff. You open up to receiving something new. Something different that what you already have. Something better than what you already have. And without thinking about all the old stuff. Its whats here and now that you’re open to … what you’re shopping for and what you’re willing to receive.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the Mind on the present moment.”

~Gautama Buddha

When you bring home that new sofa, there’s no more room for the old one. Its got to go. You let it go … you get rid of it once and for all. Your Mind receives new energies, and new information directly from the present now moment. We’re not thinking thoughts, we’re receiving them based on our past inventory of experiences and vibrational states of consciousness. We delete the old, and replete with the new.

“Eternity is not future or past. Eternity is a dimension of now. It is a dimension of the human Spirit … which is eternal. Find that eternal dimension in yourself, and you will ride through time, and throughout the whole length of your days.”

~Joseph Campbell

The Mind can only recreate based on what it has already received from the past. It tries to create a future, based on past events and experiences. But it can only rearrange what it already has. If it’s had bad experiences, it will try to create new bad experiences. This is the vibrational “thinking” that the Mind is attempting to recreate. It’s not “thoughts” … its an inventory of events and experiences that it keeps regurgitating over and over … until YOU stop it … by entering the present moment. No past, no future, just a continuous NOW.

“If you constantly dwell on the past that’s where you end up living.”

~Simon Weston

All those old possessions in your house, are just like the old memories in your Mind. Some are still useful, others are not useful at all. Why keep fluffing up, vacuuming, and moving around that old sofa that you don’t like anyway, when you can replace it with one that you do like? Don’t keep fluffing up those old memories and thoughts that you don’t like anyway, when you can replace them with something new that you do like.

Keep rearranging and recreating from OLD thoughts, or start arranging and creating from new ones. This is the choice we must make in order to move away from where we are, and move into the space where we want to be. All the Universe is one consciousness, one living being. It speaks to us, through us, and as us. We must listen in order to raise our current vibration, and raise the compassion and empathy of all the world.
