I Saw A Daffodil
On this cold and blustery morning, I walked across the still frost-covered lawn and my eyes quickly spied the color of one daffodil opening up from beneath the ground, which it had receded to, just last autumn. A few steps nearer and I start to notice many little green sprouts bursting through the soil. They appear like fingers pointing towards the Heavens, and to the God of creation. In that brief moment I am suddenly reminded that He is about to smile on the earth once again.
Then just as Christ called Lazarus forth, the earth will awaken from a long winters nap. Suddenly the deathly appearance that a harsh winter produces will give way to colors that only the Hand of God could produce. Bright greens, yellows, reds, purples, and a multitude of colors that would make a rainbow jealous will soon cover the mountains and the valleys.
Even as I contemplate the arrival of spring, I see a single bluebird fly over and as I follow his flight, I witness that returning pair of doves who nest every spring in the holly bush in front of the house. Though a chill still fills the air even they know that all of nature is about to proclaim a song of praise for The Creator.
Today I saw a daffodil, and as sure as winter follows autumn, spring is coming and soon we will see the earth adorned in the colorful garments that God created just for her. May we not just let nature sing The Lord’s praises, but may we all proclaim the message of Easter, that just as the green chutes from the flower poke through the earth, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and is The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!