

I don't remember how we met

You knew my friends and the burdens I've swept

I heard about you before, I know your travel was short, you still kept your baggage from the last trip.

I've known you for a while and tonight I know I'm lucky. You made yourself vulnerable, coming out, but you knew the same about me.

We talked and both understood, without a word

“You know I've been hurt and the past is not a blur. Those callouses on your hands make you easy to read but don't worry I know already of your previous deeds"

I said "I'll help you carry yours"

You said "that'll be nice"

I said "hey you're not the only one that had your heart broken twice"

The feeling was fast just like the rest of our days

Because now I cant believe we're giving baggage back to exchange.

At separate ways, we struggle harder with only a pair of hands of our own. It felt nice to be known

That I was the one that helped you through some memorable struggles, carried along, paired with romantic ensembles.