Harold Stockburger

Think About Today

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” These words spoken by former President Lyndon B. Johnson should be each of our credos going forward. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t think about yesterday, because taking time to assess the past failures and successes will make each of our tomorrow’s better.

In order to be our best self tomorrow we need to stop and think about this day, this minute, and even this second. Look inward and ask yourself, if you are doing everything, you know to do, to be successful. If you are not, is it for lack of effort or lack of knowledge?

Lack of knowledge is a solvable obstacle if you are truly committed. However, lack of effort requires a change inside of you, you have to make the commitment necessary and be willing to do whatever it takes to guarantee success. Ask yourself today if you are ready to take that next step, and if so, are you ready to make the changes necessary? Are you ready to study and acquire the knowledge needed to better serve the next person that you encounter, whether it is a customer or someone in need, or even a family member?

Don’t worry about yesterday, but learn from it, and make today the day you change your perspective and become determined to be the best you can be. It’s been said that successful people aren’t necessary smarter people. Most every person I know who is successful takes the time every day to look at their goals and make the adjustments in their life to achieve those goals. They will learn from their mistakes and take the actions necessary to continue to be successful.

Recently I read that a plane flying from Chicago to Los Angeles is off course 99% of the time. Even though the coordinates are programmed into the computer, it takes the pilot consistently adjusting the altitude and throttle to get the plane to its intended destination and on time. Today I challenge you to make whatever adjustments are necessary to stay or maybe even get on the right course. A good friend of mine once said, “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” Neither have I, and my desire is that each of you will have that same determination. Have a great week!
