Harold Stockburger

The Run For the Pears

As summers days begin to shorten, and the night air starts to cool, there is one certainty in life that it will not be long before fruit trees that have gone from blooms to mature fruit in one season will begin to give up their bounty. Just thinking about a big juicy apple or pear just fallen or picked from the tree brings back so many memories.

By now, you have heard about the Run for the Roses in Kentucky, and there are all kinds of runs for many worthy causes. Nevertheless, I want to tell you about a different kind of race; one I will dub the Run for the Pears.

Now I’m not talking about a normal race, what I am now speaking of was what at times could be considered funny, but could be extremely competitive if not downright dangerous. Why would I say dangerous, because my family could be very competitive, and if you were not careful, you might get hurt?

Just south of the drive at my grandparents’ house stood two massive pear trees. As many of you know when the pears first start falling from the tree, there is a distinctive thud when they hit the ground. While I really do not know when this tradition started, my first experiences were watching my uncles run this race.

The start of the race was when a pear would hit the ground. At that very moment, just like if someone had fired a starter pistol, no matter where you were, you ran just as hard as you could to pick it up. The prize was getting to be the first to enjoy those fresh juicy pears.

This competition became one that we continued as we got older, becoming participants instead of just cheering for the winner. Running, wrestling, and doing whatever it took to be the one to come up from the pile with that prized pear.

While as an adult it may seem a little silly, the competition and just good old-fashioned fun that all participants and observers enjoyed made it worthwhile. Actually thinking about it maybe, it really was not so silly. Just might be a great new television show called the Run for the Pears. I can see it now, a whole line of participants standing ready, and waiting with anticipation, for that one pear falling to the ground, before each contestant would fight their way to the prized piece of fruit. Actually probably not, I think I would rather just enjoy the memory.