Before we get started, it is important to know that the Bible itself is a book of Initiation, Spiritual Growth and Metaphysics - there is not a single word of theology or "religious" significance in the entire Bible. The person known as "Jesus" taught the teachers, who would then teach other teachers, and ultimately all humanity how to live a happy, healthy and abundant life, and most importantly who they really are, their true destiny, and how to realize it. The true meaning of these teachings have been lost for over two thousand years.
Garden of The Mind
The Bible was written using symbolism, codes and metaphors, that only those who are ready to understand it can do so. Remember the Scripture references "for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear?" This is the reason why when the Roman authorities, who seized these great works, had no idea of the true intended meaning. They instead, turned them instead in to a literal religion, with a literal Saviour, and used it as a method of control over people instead. The results of this horrific choice is evidently clear over the course of history and continues today as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and the like continue their senseless battles and genocide.
I have many friends who are religiously inclined, as I once was; often due to their upbringing and influence from family, friends, churches, and schools. The true meaning behind the Bible, and the proper interpretation shows many valuable lessons for life on Earth and Spiritual Growth which are of great value to everyone ... regardless of faith or belief. All lessons found in the Bible are rooted in Pagan Mysticism.
Today, we look at a Parable that teaches how to use the power of the Subconscious Mind. So, let's consider then this Parable from the Bible:
"And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come".
- Mark 4:26-29
This parable shows the power of the Subconscious Mind to "germinate", grow, a thought form, where it can eventually manifest as the object of that Thought Form, after which it can be harvested and experienced.
The "ground" is a metaphor for the "garden" of the Subconscious Mind where seeds, are sown, either consciously or unconsciously.
These "seeds" are Thought Forms that we either create consciously, as with using the Law of Attraction, or, as with many people these Thought Forms are produced unconsciously due to observing and often reacting against particular events. In some cases, people will consciously plants seeds of negativity that can only manifest in negative form.
The parable is saying: "should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up"
This means that once the Thought Form, the seed, has been sown in the fertile ground (Subconscious Mind), of which most people are unaware, it will first germinate, and then sprout, and finally develop in to a something experienced during "waking reality" ... actual manifestation.
The parable goes on to say "he knoweth not how". This explains the fact that although these situations, these fully developed Thought Forms are being experienced as circumstances, people have no idea where they came from, often ascribing them to such superstitious notions as "luck", "chance" or"fortune". Until they learn they their own thoughts are the origin of these manifestations ... their own seeds having been planted.
So the fertile "ground" of the Subconscious Mind is where either "good" seeds are sown by consciously using The Law of Attraction, or "bad" seeds are unconsciously sown by reacting to events perceived by the senses, resulting in "weeds" cluttering up the life of the person. Just as a garden may become overgrown by weeds.
The fertile ground of the Subconscious Mind never judges which seeds are "good" and which seeds are "bad", the garden of the Subconscious Mind" will accept, nurture and bring the seeds to fruition regardless, even though "he knoweth not how". Our Subconscious does not judge. It only brings forth what we have planted. It has no ability to discern between good and un-good.
In this New Testament verse, Jesus goes on to say "But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come."
The esoteric meaning of this statement is that once the Though Form has manifested, the seed of Thought Form has become a fully manifested fruit which, its task now complete ... may be harvested and experienced.
The Thought Form has grown to maturity in the Subconscious Mind, resulting in a manifestation that exists at all levels of Energy and Vibration of the Universe, from The Source, The First Cause, God, all the way out to the physical Universe of matter where it is now being experienced.
Remember, we are closest to our Subconscious Mind just before and just after sleep, when our brainwaves slow down and move away from observing and interacting with our physical environment. This is why Jesus says:
"And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up"
In this state, we are very close to our Subconscious Mind where seeds, Thought Forms, can be very effectively sown.
So by sowing the Though Forms or "seeds" at this time, the Subconscious Mind most readily accepts them, and will work relentlessly while the physical body and conscious Mind sleeps. Our Subconscious mind will work tirelessly to bring our Thought Forms to fruition.
Although we may not understand the unfathomable depths and powers of the Subconscious Mind, it nevertheless exists, is connected to all other Subconscious Minds though the Universal Mind, and through which the object of our manifestation conscious or unconscious, intended or not manifest. Thoughts are things. They are energy forms. They simply cannot just go away.
This deeply allegorical parable teaches the great truth about the existence of the fertile garden of the Subconscious Mind, and its infinite powers to accept a "seed", a Thought Form, particularly just before sleep or in an altered state of consciousness, and to do whatever needs to be done to bring the seed to fruition where it can be experienced, although most people still "knoweth not how".
We must always be careful with our thoughts. We must mind the gate ... just as we would lock the door. Be careful who comes and goes, and what comes and goes. Stand guard at all times. What we think, we become.
~Justin Taylor, ORDM., OCP., DM.