The Customers Perception Is My Reality
Good customer service is hard work; it requires constant effort and focus. Unfortunately, one lapse in total effort can lead to a less than desirable reality. This is why I say that the customers perception is my reality.
Take this as an example: Have you ever walked into a business and noticed several employees huddled around talking and not offering assistance to those who just walked in. Now, in reality, the customer has no idea what is being discussed, and it very well could be addressing something that just happened. Unfortunately, in most customers minds they are probably talking about last nights’ ballgame or something else. Meaning, that no matter how important the conversation may seem, in eyes of the customer, it is the cause of poor customer service and could cause the loss of a customer.
With that being said, I challenge each of you to look at every moment of every day through the eyes of a customer. Look at every action and ask if it is conducive to good customer service and how it will be perceived to the next customer that walks in the door. Remember this: your actions can make the next customer that walks through the door a customer for life, or cause him or her to never walk in that door again. You hold the power to make the customers’ perception a positive or negative reality.