Angela Teague

Poetry-"Don't Give Up"

Dreamweaver, calling out to a heart. Some images you sew-in doth tear this soul apart.

The things she sees upset her, and worry her to no end.

Please weave something peaceful on this eve...for a humble request from a friend. Don't let this be the end.

His heart has been shattered in two. By the girl he loved once, but tragedy would make it so she never knew. What took her from her this Earth? It was her body that was lost to the wind-wrought surf.

He hates living without her; it's been two years since he grinned. Quick, before he picks up a knife, God, please send him a friend. Don't let this be the end.

Her eyes see the worst in herself, because of the mean words that they say. Why do some people spew nothing but hate?

She sees the celebrities with the game and wealth, thinking that's what she wants...but at the end of the day, she's still friendless, and as lonely as one can be.

One after another hateful message do they send...they know not, nor do they care, that they've crushed her hope. She thinks there's no way to cope...only one way out. Before she jumps from that ten-story building, dear God, please send her a friend.

Hearts are broken daily, but Jesus can mend. If you seek Him, He will be your friend. Let Him in...and all those tears you've cried, won't be in vain.

With Him, you'll be whole. He can repair, what they've destroyed. No matter what've gone through, nothing is worth ending...and taking your life.

So before you cut, jump, or give up living, stop, think, seek out God, and with Jesus in your heart, look forward to the tomorrows that will continue to come into being.