Harold Stockburger

Celebrate The Back Roads Of Your Life

From childhood, one activity remains a vivid memory, and even today, a reminder of some of the best times of my life. Traveling down back roads whether paved or not has always been a source of comfort and relaxation to me. Whether you were riding in the back of a truck, on the fender of or in a wagon behind a tractor, peddling a bicycle, or walking, never mattered, because the pleasure gleaned from those times was always the same.

Frequently now I remember walking to and from the creek, often barefoot, with pole in hand. Never would I have won any awards for my prowess as an angler. Nevertheless, memories of those moments are forever, etched in my mind. Recollections that even today can bring a smile as I remember the innocence of the times and the life experiences I learned simply by having fun.

On numerous lazy summer afternoons, we explored the backroads around the communities near my home or my grandparents’ houses. It always seemed to me that there was something about those old roads, through the hollers and hills, which seemed to slow down the clock. Often I remember becoming so enthralled with my surroundings that the sun would begin to set before I could make it back. Countless evenings, I remember making my way up an old gravel or dirt road, guided only by the light of the moon.

Even in my teen and early adult years, I can remember traveling towards home, rolling down all the windows of the car, and taking in the sights and sounds that only exist while moving slowly down an old back road. There is something about the quietness of a small stream as it slowly trickles out of an outcropping of rock that seems to sooth the soul as you pass. The sounds of crickets or the lonesome almost haunting cry of a bird in the trees makes you think about those times when you have felt lonely and confused. Even the shriek of a bobcat crying out in the distance makes you pay a little bit more attention to your surroundings, which then opens up the senses to all of God’s creation.

During some of the most trying times of my life, I have found answers, resulting in peace and solace, simply by driving or even walking down some old back road. On one occasion in particular, I remember having a major decision to make. Seeking guidance, I got into the car and headed for the backroads outside of our community. Eventually I would stop the car, get out, walk, and pray for the answers I needed. After what seemed to be only moments, but in actuality was much longer, I felt a wind begin to blow through the wooded area behind the hill I found myself walking. In the silent rustling of the trees, I could hear the voice of God giving me the answers I needed.

For some reason, I feel most open to hearing God’s voice, when I leave the fast pace of the expressways, cities, and even daily life behind. Sadly, some have never experienced, or perhaps forgotten just how serene and uplifting it can be for the soul and body to slow down, and listen to the voices that exist only in The Creator’s creation. For that reason, I feel we should all reach back into those times when we were alone with God and His creation, and celebrate the backroads of our life.