Angela Teague


Peace is a work in progress. It's not achieved overnight. If we want this world to be peaceful, we must stop with the violence. End the wars, bring the troops home, create love instead of hate. We must try to realize that God created every single one of us, and He gave us a purpose, a destiny to fulfill. Jesus went to the Cross, while he was without sin, and died for the entire human race! That's a great sacrifice. You have to trust in God, that he knows what path is right for you. You have to keep Jesus in your heart always, through good and bad times. No matter what you're going through, trust me, someone else is having a worse day. You aren't the only person on this planet. There are billions of us, and if we want this planet to be the best it can be, we need to be better people, better citizens, better parents, better siblings, better children and grandchildren. Let our generation be the one to end violence. #nomorehate #love #God #Jesus #Christian