

Song by Michael Marie

We sit together in total silence

Except for the roaring thunder coming this way

I wanna talk but the words I cannot say

Are the very loudest I have ever heard

This moment is framed like a beautiful picture

Together all alone in two totally different worlds

You on your iPad on the sofa

And I am in my disparity


Chorus: I f you could hear what I am thinking about

If you could hear with my eyes may say

Maybe we can find a way maybe we can find a way

To bridge the river the river of the regrets we have

At night in dreams the words come out easy for me

But when the dawn had slipped away

In practice it worked out like a beautiful charm on your arm

You'd get it very clear you will get it very clear

Bridge: Inside I can see myself laughing and happy and being with you

The way once like me when we first met

When did the magic lost its touch with you

Oh I just wish I just wish you were here with me