My Father's Day Wish
Every year we start our annual ritual of trying to decide just what to get our fathers, and as a dad, we field many questions regarding just what we would like to have for Father’s Day. This year however, why don’t we forego the normal gifts in exchange for things that are lasting and that no amount of money could ever buy?
In every family, our prayers should be for harmony and respect for one another. May we all come to realize just how short that life can be, and when a family member is laid beneath the sod, it is too late to ask for or to give forgiveness? We should all live our lives as if every moment is the last time we will ever have with members of our family, because one day it will be, and there will be no more time to say I love you. Never should your pride rob you of the opportunity to spend time with family, nor should anger and bitterness ever be allowed to separate you from those you love, and who love you.
I pledge this Father’s Day to make more time for family for the same reasons mentioned above. In these busy times it is very easy to become consumed so much with everyday life that we fail to take the time to visit or even pick up the phone and just talk to our parents, brothers or sisters, children, grandchildren, grandparents if they are still alive, or even our cousins. Years ago, I remember a commercial where the late coach Paul “Bear” Bryant was encouraging others to call their moms, and he said, “I sure wish I could call my mom”. If we live long enough, there will come a day when no one will answer that phone anymore.
My greatest wish is to be a good example of a father and grandfather; to emulate men like my own father, father-in-law, and grandfathers. These are and were men who loved their families without condition and with a strong hand showed that a real man can also love and show respect for every member of his family. If I can only leave my own children with one thing, it is that nothing is more important than family, and family is not only those who live under the roof with you, it is the extended family members far and wide who share the same heritage as you, even if their name is not the same.
Approximately twenty years ago while I was serving in politics, my grandparents came to an event my campaign was holding. Considering the fact that one set of my grandparents never lived to see that part of my life, I was very proud that my grandfather and grandmother were there. As most of those types of events go, I was very busy, but happened to hear a conversation between my grandfather and another man. I will never forget how my chest swelled up when I heard him tell that man that I was his oldest grandchild and just how proud of me he was. May I always take time to tell my children and grandchildren that I am proud of them?
The one thing, I would like to do more of is to teach my children and grandchildren about their own heritage. To this day, I still remember walks that I had with my own grandfather and the simple stories he told of the importance of family and the history of my family. If we fail to teach these lessons to our own family members, then the importance of their heritage will soon be lost. May we who are fathers never let that happen?
More than anything else, a father is supposed to be the spiritual head of his family. My own father was an excellent example of this; many times, I know I have failed in this area. My prayer this Father’s Day is that every member of my family will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Savior. May God help me to be more like the example that my own dad showed me, and may my head never fail to bow and pray for my family, my community, and my country.
To my family this Father’s Day I just want to say I love each one of you and ask your forgiveness for not always being the father I should have. Never forget that I always have your best interest at heart and want the best for every member of my family. You make my life complete, and while I will always tell you my truthful opinion, never forget that I am proud of each one of you. Health, safety, family harmony, and spiritual blessings, those are my wishes for this Father’s Day!