Harold Stockburger

Is It Too Late

Before I get started just let me say I am a very optimistic person and generally can always see an effective way out of every situation that may arise. However, in regards to our once great nation, I am reaching a point where the future is uncertain and freedom, as we know it, is at the greatest risk we have seen in generations. Unfortunately, the alarm bells that have been ringing for years have been greatly ignored, and now we find ourselves on the precipice of collapse.

There are great enemies in the world that would love to bring the United States to its knees, but the enemy I fear the most is an enemy that has grown up enjoying the freedoms most of us hold dear. These traitors to freedom have betrayed every one of us to destroy what has been bought with the blood of patriots. Sadly, the need to appease the selfishness of many who feel they are owed something, has allowed these despisers of freedom to be elected and appointed to the highest levels of our government and academia. To use an old country phrase “the fox is now in the henhouse”.

The very foundations of our existence are now at risk, as everything we hold true and sacred are now sacrificed at the altar of political correctness. Abominable behavior that has been called sin since the beginning of time are now acceptable and condoned from those who are supposed to be the examples of morality to the nation. Babies are systematically being ripped out of their mothers’ wombs and sacrificed to the gods of choice. Those who confess Christ are ridiculed and berated. Pastors are threatened and told to refrain from preaching any message that refers to sinful behavior. In too many congregations today, sin and a sinner’s Hell are forbidden topics; the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been replaced with a feel good message of no substance, and is no threat to the status quo.

Parents now fear sending their children to school, worried that some psychotic animal will unleash death and destruction upon their innocent children. We’re sometimes left to wonder just why is there carnage in what should be one of the safest places in our nation. Lest we forget that this upward trend in school violence and downward spiral in education quality finds its beginnings after the highest court in the land decided that the schoolhouse was not a place where God was welcome. Now in the place of daily devotionals, prayer, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, we have metal detectors and school lockdown drills. No wonder our school systems are in shambles. My God, how can we expect Divine protection when we tell our Creator that He is not welcome?

Many times I find myself scratching my head and wondering why we see such violent acts today in our society, and I know the kneejerk reaction of liberal politicians pushing their agenda is to blame the weapon. However, in all the years so far in my life, I have never seen a gun of any type shoot somebody on its own. It takes a deranged piece of scum to take an innocent life, be it with a gun, knife, rock or anything else. In all honesty, we should not be blaming any weapons but looking at the degradation of our society, much of which goes back to the fact that if life in the womb means nothing then life at any other stage is merely an inconvenience.

Politics in general has always been a nasty business. As a young boy, in the county I grew up in, I watched as drivers would pick up the local drunks, and take them to vote the way the local political machine wanted them to. In return, their reward for casting their vote as instructed was a bottle of liquor. I truly believe the reason that politics is so bad is because we have been told that Christians should stay out of it because it is so dirty. The result, however is we have gotten nothing but dirty politics from people with no moral compass, who believe there is no black and white, only gray.

It is time good people stand up and be counted, gone are the days when we can send someone to Washington, our state capitals, or even the local school board and expect them to do the work of the people. Big media and liberal constituencies are well funded and pushing their agenda hard with no concern for the collateral damage caused by their actions. In fact, I am convinced that much of the damage is intentional, and the future of our country hangs in the balance. The pendulum is no longer swinging back and forth; it is being yanked hard in the direction that has caused the ruin of many great civilizations throughout antiquity. The United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed and if we fail to stop this destruction that is being wrought upon us by those intent on destroying ,and those who feel entitled to the fruits of those who are working, then we deserve whatever fate befalls us.

For now, all is not lost; this nation has been challenged before. Throughout our history, there have been those who sought to extinguish the torch of freedom. Every time we have been challenged, Americans have accepted the challenge and defeated every enemy of this great nation. Today we must rise up and defeat this country’s enemies again. I care not whether they are foreign or domestic, freedom is at stake and our actions in the near future will affect the futures of our children, grandchildren, and even generations not yet born. We must commit to not only educating ourselves to the positions of those we vote into office, we must be ready to take whatever legal remedies are available to remove those from office who are self-serving and loath the Constitutions of our nation and states.

Finally, those of us who believe in the one true God of creation must heed the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Wherein God instructs us that; “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Who will join with me and agree that we will seek God’s face, stand up and be heard in the courthouses and markets of this great nation, and united together we will take our country back before it really is too late?