Harold Stockburger

That Old Double Barrel

Many memories from childhood have faded, but one I’ll always remember is my grandfather’s double barrel shotgun. Now I can’t tell you the brand because to be frank with you I never got close enough to it to see. But unlike today where everybody is afraid to even speak to their children about guns my grandfather’s gun stood always loaded and ever present beside the door to their bedroom. I am here to promise you that not a single grandchild (and this was a large family) ever touched that gun. We all were taught what a gun would do and the penalties for touching it.

Now I did get to on numerous occasions witness my grandfather fire both of those barrels. Anyone who is a farmer knows how destructive crows can be to their garden. Situated Just across the dirt road in front of that old farmhouse stood a massive oak tree. There was also a little road that went from the street to the barn, and on either side of that road there were fields.

As you can imagine that old oak tree would fill up with crows trying to get to the rows of corn and other vegetables that were growing there. Now for a moment I want you to get this picture in your head. My grandfather would step out on that big front porch and fire both barrels of that shotgun towards that tree. I don’t think he ever hit a bird because of the distance, but to a small boy it was always amusing to see them scatter.

On another occasion I witnessed the after effects of the shotgun. It seems that my grandfather had stepped out on the front porch and a rather large rattlesnake was up on it. Without a thought for the porch he unleashed the power of that shotgun across its old tongue and groove planks. Definitely taking care of the snake, but leaving marks in the wood as well.

Even after my grandfather had passed away those marks were an ever present reminder of a man who would have never intentionally harmed anyone. Never do I think about that old shotgun by the door and consider it to have been reckless. What I do think about is the kindest man I ever knew who believed that as a man you work hard, take care of your family, and protect them. Kind of reminds me of that verse Charlie Daniels sang where he said, “Now, I'm the kind of man that wouldn't harm a mouse But if I catch somebody breakin' in my house I’ve got a twelve gauge shotgun waitin' on the other side”.