Universal Prayer:
May all religions find a common ground of unity.
May all beings be happy.
May the poor be fed.
May the naked be clothed.
May the thirsty receive the waters of pure light.
May the deaf hear.
May the warmongers find refuge in peace.
May all beings love one another.
May all children be protected.
May all beings find simplicity.
May all beings realize their true nature.
May all races come together in brotherhood.
May the blind see.
May the lame walk.
May all beings that are lost find their way.
May all beings that are miserable surrender to truth.
May all beings that are sad find happiness.
May all beings that are unconscious be awaken.
May all beings that are lonely find perfect companion.
May all beings that are mute be able to speak.
May all beings that are uneducated received knowledge.
May all beings that are weak find strength.
May all beings that are brave be rewarded.
May all beings be blessed..
May all beings be enlightened.
May peace prevail in all hearts.
And finally, may we reach the end of all suffering for all beings.
And so it is.