Aram Tael Kin


Everything she does is beautiful.

Everything she does is right.

That's what everyone thinks about her. What they don't know is that the illustrious journalist-reporter, Ezequiel Tale, has her own way of exposing and punishing sordid people in high places.

Ezequiel talks and walks, and reports and writes with intelligence, with empathy, with integrity and with the quality of being beyond honest. Professionally and socially, she is composed and perfect. But when nobody's around, inside her small apartment, in front of her keyboard and 15 large monitors, she's an intellectual vindictive white hat... who used to have high faith on humanity and justice, until her parents were stabbed to death just after a year in prison.

Her father, Drae Nacar, was a celebrated journalist, while her mother, Aya Nacar, was a notable reporter. They were sent to prison for the crimes they didn't, and would never ever dare to, commit. Her parents were the most successful partners in the news industry, in all history. They were widely known and esteemed for their incontrovertible fearlessness and unassailable commitment to their oath to people- JUST THE UNADULTERATED TRUTH. Aya and Drae spent their entire career living and working to their aim and role. Together, they randomly and truthfully broadcasted and uncovered mostly graft and corruption, not just in the City Government, but also in many different Departments. They pulled off putting the grabby ones behind bars where they truly belong. They swept the Government clean thru their unique teamwork and of course, with their best technique- they let the people's enemy to make mistake in greed. Very unfortunately, though they were the greatest, Aya and Drae still fell really deep and hard... to the extent where they never managed to get back up again. Their death was tragic and unforgettable for humanity and justice died with them. After their death, many Citizens were inspired to speak up... but none of them were ever heard. So the people tried to move on. Years later, they finally did. But their memories still live in everybody's hearts.

Retired General, now running for Vice President, Ryan Alon, was the one responsible for Aya and Drae's death. He's the most popular greedy man in uniform. But since he's too powerful, nobody can touch him and nothing can bring him down. Yes, he is confident. But he's a bit pathetic, he would feel it too if he only knew what was going to happen. Oh well, this is the part where his delusional fantasy is clearly just a fantasy, 'cause Ezequiel, with her aggressive and obsessive behavior, on the other hand, is ready to attack with solid evidences that will surely paralyze his entire scheme: Operation Payroll.

Ezequiel stayed focused and quiet throughout the campaign period. Her real identity and mission remained secret for six years... until two days before the election, she received a confirmation and permission to be who she really is. Upon receiving, she immediately packed all her stuffs in her apartment, submitted a resignation letter to The Big Reveal TV Network, bid farewell to her acquaintances and then sent a letter to the Secretary of the running Vice President.

In her real home, that night, Ezequiel watched the public announcement of Big Reveal about her resignation. She was too moved to speak when her Network played a tribute video for her dedication and loyalty. She wept when all her colleagues and many of those whom she helped altogether said, "thank you for your service", as they smiled and waved. While sobbing, her husband, Jann, hugged her from behind as he kissed the back of her head. She turned around and hugged him back, tighter. As soon as she felt calm, he grabbed a champagne as an early celebratory drink.

When the much-awaited Election day came, as expected, the world stopped and is filled with tense and surprises. As predicted by many, Retired General Alon was elected as the new Vice President. Some feted his victory while some were disappointed. As usual, every TV Networks talked about the newly elected Officials. Flashing cameras were everywhere. Newscasters, journalists and photographers were all over the Election Hall, trying to get informations and statistics.

For one hour, the declaration seemed peaceful. But the chaos begun after the Vice President delivered his speech. At that moment, all the TV Networks, even all the monitors inside the Election Hall, and all the big and tall ad screens in every street simultaneously turned black with a count down...

Five... four... three... two... one...

"Good day people of the Republic of Eudaemonia, all of you know me as Ezequiel Tale... you know me for being the ex-journalist-reporter of The Big Reveal. But I'm not that woman, at all. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Akram Nacar, the daughter of Mr. Drae Nacar and Mrs. Aya Nacar, who tragically died 25 years ago today. I was only seven when a skanky man took away their lives. He thought nobody would find out about what he did 'cause he thought he managed to cover it up. But today, I'll present you all the proofs how the Vice President you elected framed and killed my parents. Also today, I present you the faces behind the Operation Payroll..."

Everyone stopped and watched. They were all shocked and disgusted. They begun looking at the Vice President and to all the members of his scheme with contempt and extreme hatred. The booing and murmuring continued end-to-end the video that lasted for almost five minutes.

When Akram showed up again on the monitors, the people begun shouting, "Miranda rights! Miranda rights!". And so Agent Kin, the Secretary of the newly elected Vice President, who was a deep undercover Agent working for Akram, handed the letter to the Vice President. The letter was the one from Akram after she resigned from the Network.

He snapped when he saw what was written in the letter:

"I got you. It's time for you to rot in jail, you avaricious zany. But first, you have to listen carefully, for I'll only tell this to you once..."

The nervy Vice President flipped the letter for he thought there's a continuation at the back. But when he saw it blank, he looked at Akram and asked in great confusion, "What would you tell me??"

Akram smiled and said,

"Mr. Vice President Ryan Alon, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

The people then blissfully yelled victory. 'Cause seeing corrupt Politicians in cuffs is justice for the Country and its people. When the ex-Vice President and his scheme members stepped out of the Election Hall, the public expressed their gratitude and support to Akram- the living legacy of Mr. and Mrs. Kin's excellence.

One week later, Akram visited Ryan. He was shocked when he saw her sitting at the other side of the glass. His hand was shaking when he picked up the telephone:

"Why are you here??", he asked.

"Well, I want to see how my men are killing you slowly.", she replied.

"You're the one responsible for all of this?! You're a sick woman! This is harassment!", he complained angrily as he stood up.

"Harassment?? I'm not doing anything. Those men volunteered. They begged me to give you hell.", she explained sarcastically.

"Oh, I get it... you want me to feel what your parents felt, isn't it?? You hired people to hurt me like I hired people to stab your parents to death, isn't it?? What if I tell you they deserve their deaths??", he responded.

Her provocative remark made her lost it completely. She made a hand signal that alerted one of the prisoner that stabbed him twice. She saw anguish and hopelessness in his face, and she felt relieved. When he leaned to the glass, she made him listen to her:

"You took away my life at a very young age... it was hard, it's still hard, and it will always be hard. I used to think maturity would lessen the pain, but every time I see you on the TV and in the newspapers, or even hear your name, I know I'll never gonna get pass the anger... the same way I'll never gonna get rid of the loss. I became FBI Agent and learned how to hack to find everything about you. 'Cause you made me live in anger and forlornness. Because of you I know how to hate to death. Your death is on you. Rot in hell!!"

When she left prison, she bought flowers and went straight to the cemetery. She sat in front of her parents' tombs, lit candles and then took the recorder out of her bag. She then played to them their killer's last breaths and words:

"I'm sorry, Aya and Drae."