Harlinn Draper


In the quiet spaces between the words, where the world narrows, that's where friendship lives. Seven years, they say, and it might just last a lifetime. But it's not the years that bind us, it's the moments. The fleeting moments when time slows and the universe seems to hold its breath.

Friendship isn't about the hours spent in each other's company, but the quality of those hours. It's about the laughter that breaks the silence, the shared glances that speak volumes. It's the therapy found in silence, where words are unnecessary and emotions lay bare, unhidden and unforced. There, in the quiet, true friends see each other, not as the world does, but as they really are.

In the march of days and the ceaseless flow of nights, we often find ourselves adrift. It's in these moments of drifting that the anchor of friendship holds us steady. Blood, they say, is thicker than water. A phrase meant to elevate family above all else. But best friends, they have a thicker kind of blood. Concrete blood. They are the family we choose, and in choosing, we often find reflections of ourselves more true than those of our own kin. Perhaps it's the irony of it all, that we are most ourselves with those who weren't bound to us by birth.

It's not just the ones close to us that shape our days. Sometimes, the strangers we meet in passing, the ones who offer a smile or a kind word. These brief encounters can be like the sun breaking through on a cloudy day, a reminder that there is goodness in the world. Darkness should be an amusement, not a residence. We all have our moments of feeling lost, of hating the world. But in those moments, a simple act of kindness can shift the tide. Open a door, offer a smile, and watch the world change, if only for a moment.

Keep your friends close, not just in your heart, but in your daily life. The days we have are too few. It's easy to let life pull us away from those we care about, to let the mundane and the urgent take precedence. But there will come a time when all that's left is the cold ground to look at, and the reasons we didn't make time will stab us in our hearts. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to let the demands of everyday life overshadow the importance of these connections. Show up, even when it's inconvenient. Make the call, send the message, plan the visit.

Friends are like flowers. They bring beauty to the world, blooming in the most unexpected places. But they are also fragile, capable of wilting just as quickly as they bloomed. Cherish them, nurture them, and they will fill your life with a beauty that endures.

There is a certain simplicity in the nature of true friendship. It's not weighed down by the expectations and obligations that often come with familial ties. It's a mutual understanding, a silent agreement that, come what may, you will stand by each other. It's in the shared experiences, the highs and the lows, that the bond is strengthened. The quiet afternoons of comfortable silence, the moments of shared grief and the times of exuberant joy. And in those moments when words fail, when the weight of the world seems too heavy to bear, it is the presence of a friend that can make all the difference. They don't need to say anything, for their mere presence speaks volumes. It's in the way they sit with you in silence, offering a quiet companionship that says, "I am here. You are not alone."

In a world that often feels cold and indifferent, true friendship is a warm light. It's a reminder that, no matter how tough things get, there is someone who cares, someone who understands. It's a calm from the storms of life, a place where you can be yourself without fear of judgment. The voice that reassures you when doubts cloud your mind. It's the shared dreams and the mutual encouragement, the unwavering belief in each other's potential even when the world seems skeptical. It's the laughter that bubbles up from the depths of your soul, the kind that makes your sides ache and your eyes water. These moments, these seemingly small and insignificant moments, are the lifeblood of true friendship.

Friends are the ones who celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and share in your sorrows, no matter how great. They are the ones who know your quirks and idiosyncrasies, who accept you without pretense or expectation. In their presence, you find a sense of belonging, a place where you can lay down your burdens and simply be as you are.

And in return, friendship gives us so much. It gives us a sense of purpose, a reason to keep going when the going gets tough. It gives us joy, the kind that comes from knowing we are seen and appreciated for who we are. It gives us strength, the kind that comes from knowing we are not alone in this often overwhelming world.

So, hold on to your friends. Keep them close. Make the time, even when it feels like there is none. For in the end, it is these relationships that will matter the most. It is these connections that will bring you the most joy, the most comfort, and the most meaning. Life is short and the days are fleeting, but the bonds of true friendship can last a lifetime. They are the flowers that bloom in the garden of your life, bringing beauty and joy to all who are fortunate enough to be a part of it. And like any garden, it requires care and attention to flourish. So tend to it with love and watch it grow, for it is in these moments, these simple acts of caring, that the true essence of friendship is found.

For in the quiet spaces between the words, in the moments when the world narrows, that's where friendship lives. It is a bond that transcends time and distance. It is the light that guides us through the dark, the anchor that holds us steady in the storm. It is the essence of what it means to be truly alive. So hold on to your friends, keep them close, and let the beauty of these connections fill your life with meaning and joy.