Jossy Flowers

Pretty Rings 💍

I am all I am in a pair of pumps

Baby drive me up the pretty houses

Buy me all them pretty rings

Tell me that you love my dependence to all the expensive things.

Speak to me but speak to me with your wallet baby, lets not forget why "I am here"

Tell me that I need you, remind me of everything I can not do because I am a woman

Because I am a woman who's curves stop at the end of your bridge

Because all women are after money honey

Right? Wrong, try again baby.

Remind me why I'm here one more time, tell me why I stick around

Because you are not far from your truth.

Tell me once again how money makes my hips swerve, and how it makes my nights wet

Push it baby, remind me that I can get more than you give by working less and smiling onto the next.

Remind me baby that you are nothing without the wallet that reels me in.

Remind yourself that I belong to me, and a transaction does not mark my peace.

Money honey isn't everything, but it's what drives you towards all them expensive things that make your presence more tolerable than your being.
