Harold Stockburger

The Few The Proud, A great Example For American Business

A certain society in Africa once wrote to David Livingstone, “Have you found a good road to where you are? If so, we want to know how to send other men to join you.” Livingstone replied, “If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don’t’ want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all!”

In the 1970’s the United States Marine Corps used the slogan “A Few Good Men” in many of their recruitment ads. We all know the Marines are very selective about whom they will allow into their ranks and their esprit de corps takes a backseat to no other in the world including our own uniformed services in other branches.

Why is it that the Marines are able to be so selective, and have recruits stand in line to sign up, even during times of war? It is because of the culture of excellence that has been the hallmark throughout their history. It is also their commitment to each other’s success, not just during their years of service, but for their entire lives. Even the Marine slogan Semper Fidelis is a Latin term meaning always faithful or always true. Talk to any former Marine and they will carry that torch until the day that they die.

Personally, I am humbled at the level of commitment I have witnessed in my own lifetime by current and former Marines. At the same time, I find myself saddened by the lack of commitment we experience in everyday life. Churches see a percentage of their membership constantly changing from those who are moving from one to another,looking for the latest new trend. While many customers are loyal, gone are the days when they enter a business simply because it is there,and they have no other choice. Even workers many times are just biding their time until something better comes along.

To be successful in any endeavor anymore takes commitment and patience. Customers will do business where they feel appreciated, and they know the associates are committed to them and the business. Understandably some employees are going to move on to other places, but to those who are willing to pay the price there is as much opportunity right where you are than many other places you could go. If you do not believe that just look around you at the number of people who started at the bottom and where they are today.

In today’s business climate, we need people who are willing to forge new roads and reach heights never achieved before. Who is willing to be totally committed to making a difference and being the best of the best, or as the Marines say “the few, the proud”? ​​​​​​​​