Jossy Flowers

Didn't Think 01-09-17

I crossed the state lines

I packed a bag

I said goodbye

I made a bed

I had a plan.

Didn't think I would miss the noise as much

Didn't think I would miss the sun so much

I went to sleep I got up early

I got dressed and I sat down

Forgot I knew no one

I made a list I had a route

Didn't think I would get lost

I closed my eyes

Told myself to take it easy

Didn't think my pace would catch up

I made me food

prayed to god, didn't think anyone would listen

I woke up started over

I felt a push

I walked a mile more,

made a new route,

Didn't think I would miss home so much

So I cried a little got myself up and started a new day.

Remembered that solitude is nothing but bliss

So I smiled more, shined my path, blessed myself, and started over.

For my path is an adventure.

And time is my guide.

-jossy flowers🌹