Jossy Flowers


He pulls you into his arms, grips tight

You leave your pride at the door, red flag

Hello to the shadows, judgmental views

Your dignity on the floor, only you know

Occupying space, in a common floor space

Bed is empty, smells like the next

Next 4 hours of repressed affection for connection

So You forfeit your time for love-less nights

Comfort in peace, Head in release,

It's a matter of time, it won't take too long

Yet you wait for another excuse on his arm

About lifeless comets, and your search on reverse...

You found love,

Love enough for both of you, or so you say

The common mistake of your dignity on the floor, but you love yourself and you love him too, but you're not yourself with out the two, the colorless views are your comfort in peace, even if your release speaks nothing on peace.

-JF 🌹012517