Harlinn Draper

Levi Carver: The Legend of The Moonbow Monster

Beneath the hallowed moonbow, where the waters cascade,

A Haunting legend, in shadows deeply laid.

kin to satan, with a sledgehammer 40 pounds,

Stalks the unsuspecting, in the absence of sounds.

a makeshift squander, within a cave's empty womb,

Beneath the Dog Slaughter, are his shadows of doom.

A den of fears, where screams of his presence resound,

A monster born of incest, drags his hammer around.

Walk to these haunted falls, take caution and beware,

Levi is there, and no mortal strength can compare.

Bones to dust, each swing of his hammer's crushing weight,

Menacingly Haunting the bloody pathway of your inevitable fate.

A creature of nightmares, revenging of his past,

Among the moonlit trails, his evil is cast.

Killing through the night with his hostile gleam,

A force of terror and fright, the devil’s dream.

Through the whispering pines and the foggy night air,

He hunts with purpose, a silent and haunting despair.

A cryptic being of the wild, the legend will unfold,

In the depths of darkness, his story is told.

So if you venture near the caves of the falls,

the inbred giant, will answer your calls.

Under waters where hulking shadows dwell,

Levi Carver’s in the madness of his own hell.