Today I Am Going To Give It My Some
Admit it, the title to this message made you wonder what has happened, and why on earth would I ever say something like that. Like many of you, I had to pause and think about the words to this phrase when I came across them as well. The reality though is that every one of us, through our actions and our inactions, has at one time or another, even if we did not say it, given in both our personal and professional lives, only our some.
The late UCLA and Basketball Hall of Fame Coach, John Wooden said; “Give me 100 percent. You can’t make up for a poor effort today by giving 110 percent tomorrow. You don’t have 110 percent. You only have 100 percent, and that’s what I want from you right now.” Now think about those words for a moment and ask yourself if you are giving 100 percent or not.
Anything less than your best is only some, and is never acceptable. Lackluster performance cheats your employer, your family, and yourself. It also sends a message to everyone around you that it is ok to be lazy and a poor performer. Is that the message you really want to send to those around you? Moreover, what does it say for your character?
Once I heard someone say, “Even if you are digging a ditch, make it the best ditch that has ever been dug”. Imagine if every employee in this nation walked into their place of employment with the attitude that, no matter what else is happening today and for the rest of my life I will give 100 percent of myself to every task or customer that I encounter. The result would be felt far and wide, from higher quality products being produced in our factories, to higher wages from employers recognizing the contributions from their employees that are creating higher profits. It would be a domino effect, of epic proportions, as the walls hindering meeting productivity expectations, begin to fall.
Ralph Marston said; “Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.” So this week I ask that each of you find within yourself that 100 percent performance that the Coach spoke of and challenge the world around you to do the same.