Labour Day Lament 2021
I wish you to enjoy your long weekend.
I sequestered myself away to do a Chalk Pastel Artwork this Sabbath — inspired by learning of living in the Divine Will.
Can you feel the tension in the world⁉️
Canada’s Dominion is erupting into a giant rash across the country—Politicians of every party are getting egged, what was once private is now public anger exploding everywhere at rallies.
Young Indigenous peoples carve out their own way governments—they want little if nothing to do with past or present colonialism.
Fragments persist and each pixel becomes smaller. My deconstruct is on auto-pilot. To live like our grandparents and theirs is my/our new normal.
The abundant era is OVER.
A flurry of E-Petitions pile up in my inboxes as quickly as May flies in NorthBay, Ontario. Sweeping the flies up is easier than ramming the E-Petitions through coax cable to change a broken political system in Canada.
The May flies come up and out of Lake Nippising.
It is easier to survive their swarms than have patience to survive this coming communal breakdown.
Amidst spoken prayers are stories and song’s of lament— there we pick up the bloody bodies of our cherished ones, we will burn and bury our dead.
Children will die before parents
Parents will give up their lives
Thankfully, to reconstruct a broken world: those who survive will leave the re-design to our Resurrected Servant~King: Who, keeping tears in jars and us in the palm of His hand: promises to dry every tear from our eyes.
Children speak wisdom, young men see visions, daughters heal the sick and the elderly prophecy to this generation:
Revelation 21:4
“HE will wipe away ALL tears from their eyes; there will be no more death, and no more mourning or sadness. The world of the past has gone.”