Angela Teague

Life Is

You're mad at the world, and refuse to take a helping hand, you've got that rage that's been unfurled, you think that no one understands.

I'm sorry if your life isn't what you'd hoped it would be. Your anger reaches my ears, and I get it. So there's no need to lecture me. We've all got struggles...we've all got pains.

And that deep-rooted hurt is going to continue to pull, until there's nothing left that remains. Don't hesitate to say, what you really feel. Still for you, I pray, did your heart to fully heal.

Distress is seriously causing, some things to build up inside, and my heart is breaking, I can't fix it, no matter how hard I've tried.

I don't always have an answer, nor am I hardly ever right, still inside my soul, these thoughts do continually stir, and I see there's hope in sight. I won't give up this fight. I'll feel better tomorrow, after another restless night.

My mind sometimes can't decide...if I should speak these words or swallow my pride. Should I be silent, and understand what those former things meant?

Destruction plagues my restless body. Why can't I see? That nothing I could do would change: anything. But that's wrong.

I can change, my words and my actions. I am where I belong, and my thoughts, I'll rearrange, until my soul only shuns, those evil, useless worries. My intentions will be quiet, no one knowing what I'm thinking, whatever I think, I won't say it, but my emotions I'll start linking, bringing them together to make an unbreakable chain.

There's so much I can gain, and I'll never give up, or surrender in this war. I understand what I'm standing up for...myself. It's as it should be, I am always going to be me. I can't be someone else.

From my mind, impatience will flee. On nothing we can agree, but it's fine. We have our own opinions, and our own minds. If the two should ever be in harmony, it would start us believing, that respect must be earned and given.

This solitary life that we're living, doesn't have to be that. We've got assistance and people who care, there's no need to have a spat. Please let go of it. I'm not upset, just wanting to assist, and help if you will allow. I honestly don't know how, won't know until you tell me.

The beginning of trust, is finding out how to coexist. This is my hope, that we can do more than just survive...I'm praying we can thrive, and discover what it truly means to be alive.