Harlinn Draper

Skinny Ginny

"I swear on my mothers life, I did not steal those cigarettes!" I exclaimed, my voice ringing with defiance as I faced off against the accusing cashier.

“How dare you imply that I would stoop to such petty crimes in Your white-trash dump.” Despite knowing deep down that I had indeed taken those cigarettes, I stood my ground, confident that he lacked the evidence to back up his accusations. If there had been any real proof, I would be facing a much harsher judgment from the police, not just this sweaty servant.

This town, where my father had relocated us, was suffocating with its narrow-minded residents and their judgmental stares. I was a caged bird in this shit-hole that was too small for my ambitions and dreams. The audacity of Casey Cutshaw, always leering at me with his eyes fixed on my breast, added to my growing frustration. His lack of subtlety grated on my nerves, and I had reached my breaking point.

As fate would have perfect timing, a well-dressed businessman entered the store. I unleashed my pent-up anger on Casey. My hand crashing into his moist cheek with a resounding slap, echoing throughout the small space. "If you ever touch me again, you pervert, my father will have your heart for dinner!" I warned him, the fire in my eyes searing with fury. Without a second thought, I grabbed the Marlboro’s from the counter and made a swift exit, a trail of chaos behind me.

Breathing in that smooth warm smoke from my sinful cigarette, I let my mind drift as it often did to my dreams of stardom and glamour as I made my way to school. A store front window reflects my striking appearance, the attention I garnered from admirers of all ages is curse I’ve been plagued with my whole life. This path to becoming a renowned model and actress seems not just feasible but inevitable. I was only fifteen but I was already too big for this shit-hole.

I wandered down the dingy school halls, my eyes catching a glimmer of something intriguing in a window display. The school debate for class president was next week. The ambition of fueling my resolve to escape this mundane existence and reach for the stars, shimmering in the night sky.

On the day of the debate, I looked at Stevie Pool-shits, the sole contender running against me for class president. With a last name like Pool-shits, I didn’t see any reason to worry about competition. Pronounced as "Pole-she," I had rather call him Pool-shits. I knew he couldn't hold a candle to me, not in charisma, wit, or ambition.

Despite my confident exterior, I felt a hint of unease as I tried to make sense of the speech my friend had written for me. Reading had never been a priority for me; in my mind, it was a skill reserved for those less attractive than myself. I struggled to understand the words on the page, my lack of practice became glaringly apparent. The jumble of letters seemed to mock me, and my attempts to articulate them fell flat during the debate.

The room buzzing with whispers and stifled laughter while I was stumbling through my speech, unable to grasp its meaning convincingly. I began to realize that I can’t read in front of my peers. This sent a wave of humiliation crashing over me, and I felt the weight of a house of judgement bearing down on me.

In a haze of embarrassment and frustration, I fled the scene. The tears stinging my eyes as I ran down the clamoring hallways. In my haste, I collided with a wall in the form of Ms. Webb, the stern and crusty old bitch known for her no-nonsense attitude. Her sharp voice cut through all the chaos, reprimanding me for running in the halls.

“Virgina! Stop!” The hippopotamus sized teacher screamed.

Expecting a scolding or punishment, I braced myself for her reprimand. To my surprise, Ms. Webb’s demeanor softened as she led me into her classroom. Instead of chastising me, she offered to teach me, not just to read but to outshine my competition. Pool-shits, I despised him now. Despite my initial reservations of the oversized and old Ms Webb, a bond began to form. The unexpected friendship that developed between me and the unapproachable Ms. Webb was an extraordinary discovery. Beneath the leathery exterior, I discovered there was wisdom and a little humor, I learned of her extraordinary life .

As the days passed, I found myself immersed in the world of words and stories, guided by Ms. Webb’s patient tutelage. Each lesson, my confidence grew, and I began to see the power and beauty of language in a new light. Together, we embarked on a journey of discovery and growth, with the shared goal of triumphing over my limitations and proving that this most unexpected alliance has led to my extraordinary transformation.

I was taken aback when Ms. Webb brought out a faded photo of herself, back when she was my age. Despite her bugged out eyes spaced too far apart, and her long crooked teeth, she was almost pretty, different from the stern woman she was now. In the weeks that followed, a remarkable change took place within me. I went from a girl with limited reading abilities to someone hungry for knowledge with newfound vigor. Ms. Webb became my guiding light, me a wealth of information. Each day brought a new discovery, a new skill mastered, and my confidence soared to new heights.

As time passed, my growth was nothing short of astounding. The once illiterate and uncertain girl had blossomed into a confident and determined student. She had a strong desire to prove her worth to herself. A world that had once seemed closed off and daunting now lay open before me, brimming with possibilities and opportunities waiting to be snatched!

Finally that moment arrived with the announcement of the school's annual spelling bee competition. Emboldened by my newfound skills and unwavering support from Ms. Webb, I saw the competition as a chance to showcase my abilities to the entire school. Show that Pool-shits who Skinny Ginny really is. I entered the competition, determined to leave a lasting impression.

On the day of the spelling bee, I stood before my classmates, my heart hammering in my chest. With each word called out, I spelled it out with precision and confidence, surprising not only my peers but also myself. The cheers and applause that followed my victory filled me with a sense of accomplishment and validation, proving that hard work and determination could lead to remarkable achievements.

As my senior year drew to a close, I stood on the brink of a new chapter in my life, on the verge of accepting my diploma. Surrounded by the familiar faces of classmates who had once doubted me, I felt a sense of pride and gratitude for the journey that had brought me to this moment of triumph. With Ms. Bumpstead by my side, I knew that the lessons learned and the bonds would be everlasting, shaping the person I had become and the future that lay ahead.