What Inspires You
Throughout our lives, many people have inspired us. Whether it was a teacher, a politician, a celebrity, a pastor, or a family member, each of us have had some person or persons who gave us a reason to be the best we can be.
In my own life, I could go on for days about different people at random junctures in my life who have been great sources of inspiration. As with most of us, my parents have always been my greatest motivator, leading me, and teaching me to reach as high as I want to go. Likewise, my grandparents always showed me what it meant to protect and provide for your family. I am also very fortunate to have a spouse that believes in me sometimes more than I believe in myself, and always gives me words of encouragement.
Facts are that everywhere we look there are many sources of inspiration. One of those is Gods’ creation. How can you not look at what He made for us and be inspired? Many times as I have watched the sunrise, I have felt that if God would paint such a pretty picture for me, then I must make sure I am being what He meant for me to be.
Is there anything in life as inspiring as hearing your own child cry for the first time? Alternatively, how about as a loved one is laid to rest, how can you not feel a responsibility to live a life that would make them proud of you? The older I get, the more I ponder about whether my life will be one that inspired others, or will I simply be another name on a stone? It is my desire to be an inspiration to my children and grandchildren, and hopefully great-grandchildren. I only knew one of my great-grandparents, but even now, I still remember sitting in front of a chair on the floor and listening to his stories.
Having always been a lover of history, sometimes I find myself in awe of men and women whose lives and stories continue to inspire us today. Most of us will never have our names written in a history book, and our exploits will not inspire hundreds if not thousands of people at the very mention of our accomplishments. However, every one of us can inspire the people we are around day in and day out. Think about your co-workers, are you inspiring them? Even the server at the restaurant tonight, you never know what one kind word could do to inspire another person to greatness.
My word of support to you is that as the Bible speaks about not hiding your lamp; do not ever stop trying to be an inspiration and encouragement to others. You just never know, while your name might not make the history books, the next child you give a kind word of reassurance to just might be the one who changes the world. Look all the way down through history. Every person who has achieved greatness had someone who was his or her inspiration. Will you join me and be an inspiration to someone today?