My Bucket Has A Hole In It
Often when you think of a bucket, many good illustrations that are really pretty elementary in theory come to mind. We have all listened to teachers and motivational speakers talking about filling ones bucket with knowledge until it reaches the point of running over and you have no choice but to share what you have learned with others. I have also listened to some speak about filling up others buckets with words of kindness or actions that really show how you care, and that is something we all should be striving to do.
One writer in particular wrote, “When your bucket is full, you feel more confident, secure, calm, patient and friendly”. However, what happens when your bucket is not shiny and new? What about when life has hit you hard and your bucket is bent, and maybe even a little rusty? Then, dog gone it, what are you to do if your bucket has a hole in it?
We all have had those kinds of times when just like the bucket that has been kicked and tossed aside, our lives seem pretty worn and tattered. Those are the times that even if someone shares a kind word or action with us trying to help, it just runs out the bottom like water in the bucket with holes. Many of our lives are just like that old bucket that has seen its better days, and from all appearances needs to be tossed out with the garbage. How many of you have ever just felt like totally giving up, or even felt like an old bucket tossed upon the trash heaps of life?
If so, you are not alone, and yes, many times our lives just like the worn out bucket, can be repaired and ultimately be useful again for the good of those around us and even ourselves. However, what about those defining moments in our lives when the damage is too severe and no matter what we do, we just cannot seem to plug up the holes, and every time we think, we have one hole, otherwise known as catastrophes, taken care of, then another one arrives. Maybe sometimes patching the holes is not the answer and maybe not even possible, but a little bit of repurposing just might be what is in order for our lives.
A few years back I noticed a trend that while probably not a new idea was at least new to me. It seems there are many who will take old and even some new buckets with holes drilled into them and turn them into planters. Creative farmers and even city dwellers with only a little room on the porch have learned the benefits of using otherwise useless buckets to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers and many other things.
That brings me to my point, that just because your life as you have known it is tattered, and seems to be destined for the trash can of life, there are many other options. Many of these so-called useless, scarred, and even ugly buckets now are overflowing with beautiful fruits that can benefit whole communities. So, the next time the winds of life are ripping your world apart and tearing holes in your bucket, add a little dirt and fertilizer. What those are, may be different for each of us; sometimes it may be more education, sometimes-new surroundings or friends, each of us has to figure that out. Then no matter how deep the scars, you can plant something beautiful right in the midst of trouble, so that you can be a benefit to everyone who might also have holes in their buckets.